10 July 2013

Call for papers GWC 2014

by admin

The Global Wordnet Association is pleased to announce the 7th International Global Wordnet Conference (GWC2014).

Local organization: Heili Orav, University of Tartu.

We invite papers addressing the topics listed, but not limited to, the ones below. Proposals for tutorials on building wordnets and demonstrations of wordnet databases, and wordnet-based software are welcome too.

  • Linguistics and lexical semantics, including:
    • In depth analysis of semantic relations,
    • Determining and representing word meanings (definitions, relations, semantic components, co-occurrence statistics, etc.)
    • Necessity and completeness issues.
    • Ontologies and wordnets.
    • The lexicon and wordnets.
  • Architecture of lexical databases, including:
    • Language independent and language dependent components
    • Integration of multi-wordnets in research infrastructures (like CLARIN) and LT networks (like META-NET)
  • Tools and Methods for wordnet Development, including:
    • User and Data entry interface, organization,
    • Extending and enriching wordnets
  • WordNet as a lexical resource and component of NLP and MT, including:
    • Word sense disambiguation using wordnet,
    • Ontologies and wordnet,
    • The lexicon and wordNet
  • Applications of wordnets, including:
    • Information extraction and retrieval,
    • Document structuring and categorization,
    • Automatic hyperlinking
    • Language teaching,
    • Psycholinguistic applications
  • Standardization, distribution and availability of wordnets and wordnet tools.

Presentations will fall into one of the following categories:

  • long papers (30 mins)
  • short papers (15 mins)
  • project reports (10 mins)
  • demonstrations (20 mins)

Submissions will have to state one of the preferred categories. Acceptance may be subject to changes in the category of the presentation, e.g. a long paper submission may be accepted as a short paper.

Final papers should be submitted in electronic form (PDF only):

  • Long papers should be limited to 8 pages,
  • Demonstration papers must be at most 5 pages text and can have additional 3 pages screen dumps or images;
  • Short papers and project descriptions should be limited to 5 pages.

Papers need to be submitted to the EasyChair website:

GWA 2014 Easy Chair site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gwc2014

The format of the paper is in ACL format (PDF):

ACL 2010 paper formats: http://acl2010.org/authors_final.html

The conference program will include oral presentations and demonstration sessions with sufficient time for discussions of the issues raised.

The deadline for submissions is September 6, 2013. Decisions regarding acceptance will be announced to the authors by end of September. Final papers are due at October 11.

Important note: Inclusion of accepted submissions into the final program and the proceedings is contingent upon at least one author’s registration. Late registration and on site registration for participants is possible without inclusion of the paper and without presentation.

Important dates:

  • September 6, 2013 Deadline for paper submission
  • September 27, 2013 Notification of acceptance
  • October 11, 2013 Final version due
  • October 14, 2013 Registration opens
  • November 15, 2013 Registration closes for author(s) of papers to be included in the proceedings
  • January 25-29, 2014 Conference

Conference Chairs:

Local Organizing Chair: