the Constitution
Article 1.
The name of the Association is “Global WordNet Association”; it may also
be known as “GWA” or “WordNet Association”, and hereinafter will be
referred to as “the Association”.
Registered Office
Article 2.
The Association has its registered office at:
City: Weesp
Zip code: 1382 VV
Country: The Netherlands
Article 3.
- The Association is constituted as an association and legal entity
according to the laws of the Netherlands (on June first,
two-thousand) by the founders:
o C. Fellbaum, Princeton, NJ USA.
o P.T.J.M. Vossen, Weesp, The Netherlands.
The Association is subject to its Constitution and to all its rules and
regulations unless expressly exempted.
The purposes of the Association are:
- To encourage and facilitate membership in the Association by
persons and institutions with an interest in wordnets,
- To establish distribution facilities:
- To promote cooperation and information exchange among
related professional and technical societies that build or
use wordnets.
- To provide information on wordnets to the general public.
- To promote the standardization of the specification of wordnets
for all languages in the world, including:
- the standardization of the Inter-Lingual-Index for
inter-linking the wordnets of different languages, as a
universal index of meaning.
- the development of a common representation for wordnet data.
- To promote the development of sense-tagged corpora in all the
linked languages.
- To promote sharing and transferring of data, software and
specifications among people who develop wordnets for different
- To promote the development of guidelines and methodologies for
building wordnets for additional languages.
- To promote the development of explicit criteria and definitions
for verifying the relations in any language.
- To promote the development of consistency checking, comparison
and evaluation modules.
- To promote research in related areas, such as psycholinguistic
studies of the mental lexicon and semantic memory, and their
relevance for the wordnet model.
Article 4.
- Within the rules of the constitution of the Association, the
Association will serve all members of the Association. These persons
will hereinafter be referred to as “the Association Members”.
- Membership is open to any person and organization who actively
researches, develops, applies or promotes wordnets.
- Four types of members are distinguished:
- individual members, which can either be full members
or student members. Student members should send a
certificate from their University or School.
- insitutional members, which can either
be profit or non-profit
- All members receive the regular communications and publications of
the Association. All members may participate in the Biannual
Business Meetings of the Association, and may vote in Association
- Dues for each calendar year are payable upon receipt of a dues
statement. Members in arrears will be forfeit their membership. In
cases of economic hardship, the membership fee can be waived.
Article 5.
- The administration of the Association shall be conducted by the
Association Board, which shall consist of a Chair, a Vide-Chair, a
Secretary-Treasurer, and three (3) Board members. All these persons
shall be Association Members, as defined in Article 4. Except for
the past Chair they shall be elected by the Association Members on
nomination. If vacancies occur, the Association Board shall appoint
replacements, to serve until the next election.
- In the event that the Association is given funds, the Association
Secretary-Treasurer is empowered to receive, deposit, and disburse
such funds on behalf of the Association and, together with the
Association Chair, to make arrangements for handling the affairs of
the Association.
- The Chair shall deliver a written Annual Report, and the Treasurer
shall deliver a written Annual Financial and Membership Report, to
the Association by the end of each year.
- The Association Board shall:
- determine the place and time of Association workshops and
- appoint members to be responsible for organizing the programs
and local arrangements of such conferences, workshops and
- appoint members to form committees and assume tasks to assist in
conducting the activities of the Association;
- determine the amount of the annual dues of the Association;
- be responsible for a review of the Secretary-Treasurer”s
Financial and Membership Report before this Report is presented
to the Biannual Business Meeting;
- set the time and place for the Biannual Business Meeting and
Annual Board Meeting
- Elections shall be conducted as follows: the Vice-Chair will become
the Chair. The Chair can volunteer to serve as an ex-officio member
of the Board. The Association Board shall nominate at least one
person for each remaining position to be filled. The Secretary shall
send to the Association Members notice of the nominations, at the
same time requesting additional nominations. Additional nominations,
supported by at least three Association Members, may be submitted;
evidence must be presented that the nominee will serve if elected.
If there is more than one nominee for any position, the Secretary
shall send ballots for that position to the Members. A majority vote
of the ballots shall determine the results.
- There shall be a Biannual Business Meeting of the Association, with
notice mailed to the membership at least two months before the
meeting date. All actions taken by the Association Board are subject
to review at the Biannual Business Meeting.
- Elections for the Board shall be issued every 4 years. Board members
can re-nominate but have to step down for one 4-year period after
having served for 2 sequential periods.
Adminstrative Duties and Representation
Article 6.
- The Association Board as defined by Article 5 paragraph 1 shall have
the power to perform all such acts of administration and disposition
as it will deem necessary or desirable for the realization of the
Purpose, and be empowered to enter into any agreements for
acquisition or alienation whereby the Association grants security or
becomes several co-debtor, or answers for any third party, or
undertakes to grant security for a debt of another.
Financial Management
Article 7.
- The Administration will be under the obligation to keep account of
the financial position of the Association in accordance with the
requirements arising therefrom, and to keep the books, records and
other forms of data belonging to the accounts in such way that the
rights and obligations of the Association are open to inspection at
all times
- The Association Secretary-Treasurer will supply a current balance
sheet and a statement of assets and liabilities to the Chair of the
Association Board annually. These financial statements will be
approved and signed by all members of the Board, and will form part
of a report on the activities and operations of the Association,
which will be distributed to the Association Members.
- The Board will be obliged to keep the books, records and other forms
of data mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article for ten
years. It will ensure that the data are available during that full
period, and can be made accessible to the Members within a
reasonable time.
Amendment of Articles
Article 8.
Proposed amendments to the Constitution must be approved by the
Association Board. The proposed amendments must then be circulated to
all Members and ratified by a majority vote of those persons whose
ballots are received within two months of circulation. Proposed
amendments may not be presented at a Board meeting unless notice to the
effect that a proposed amendment will be discussed was included in the
agenda accompanying the announcement convening the Board meeting.
Article 9.
- If the Board is of the opinion that the Purpose of the Association
cannot or can no longer be sufficiently realized, the Board may
resolve to dissolve the Association; such a resolution concerning
dissolution shall be passed in accordance with the provisions of the
preceding Article.
- In case of dissolution, the liquidation shall be effected by the
Board members in office at that time.
Other Matters
Article 10.
All cases falling within the scope of these Articles but not provided
for therein shall be handled by a resolution of the Association Board
and will be in concordance with the Dutch Law.
Created by:*
Piek Vossen, Weesp, The Netherlands, June 1^(th), 2000.*
Christiane Fellbaum, Princeton, NJ, USA, June 1^(th), 2000