Wordnet Annotated Corpora

Language Name SemCor Aligned Words Taggable Tagged Developer Contact Browse Online License Other Resources
English SemCor3.0-all YES 359,732 N/A 192,639 Princeton University Christiane D. Fellbaum NO OPEN Download SemCor WordNet 3.0
English SemCor3.0-verbs YES 316,814 N/A 41,497 Princeton University Christiane D. Fellbaum NO OPEN Download SemCor WordNet 3.0
Japanese Jsemcor YES 380,000 150,000 58,000 National Institute of Information and Communications Technology of Japan (NICT), Kyoto, Japan Francis Bond NO OPEN Japanese WordNet
Multilingual (English/ Italian) MultiSemCor+ YES English (258,499) Italian (268,905) Italian (121,175)[3] English (119,802) Italian (92,420) Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Center for Communication and Information Technology, Human Language Technology Group, Trento, Italy Christian Girardi YES OPEN CC-BY 3.0 (Filled Request Form required) MultiWordNet
Multilingual (English/ Romanian) SemCor-En/Ro YES Romanian (175,603) English (178,499) Romanian (88,874) Romanian (48,392) Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence “Mihai Drăgănescu”, Romanian Academy Dan Tufiş YES OPEN MS Commons-BY-NC-ND BalkaNet
Romanian RoSemCor YES N/A N/A N/A Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence “Mihai Drăgănescu”, Romanian Academy Dan Tufiş Dan Cristea NO N/A ELDA/ELRA RoSemCor
Bulgarian BulSemCor NO 101,062 N/A 99,480[1] Department of Computational Linguistics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria Svetla Koeva YES BROWSE ONLINE ONLY (downloadable excerpts freely under META-SHARE NoRedistribution Non-Commercial license) BulNet
Basque EPEC Eusemcor (Basque Semcor) NO 300,000 N/A N/A University of the Basque Country, IXA Group, Natural Language Processing Eneko Agirre Mikel Esnaola YES BROWSE ONLINE ONLY Improving the BasqueWordNet by corpus annotation. Multilingual Central Repository 3.0
Spanish spsemcor NO 850,000 N/A 23,307 University of the Basque Country, IXA Group, Natural Language Processing German Rigau YES BROWSE ONLINE ONLY Semantic Hand-Tagging of the SenSem Corpus Using Spanish WordNet Senses. Multilingual Central Repository 3.0
Multilingual (Spanish/ Catalan) AnCora NO Spanish (500,000) Catalan (500,000) N/A N/A
Dutch DutchSemCor NO 500 Mln N/A 282,503[2] Language and Communication, Faculty of Arts, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – Tilburg centre for Creative Computing, Faculty of Arts, University of Tilburg – ISLA, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam Piek Vossen NO N/A (downloadable excerpts and statistics free) Cornetto
Multilingual (English/ Chinese/ Indonesian/ Japanese) NTU-MC NO English (115,843) Chinese (105,879) Indonesian (55,865) Japanese (49,144) English (62,619) Chinese (67,159) Indonesian (36,712) Japanese (20,049) English (51,147) Chinese (36,173) Indonesian (27,796) Japanese (15,395) Nanyang Technological University, Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Singapore Francis Bond NO OPEN CC BY Tagging is still underway snapshots available here Open Multilingual Wordnet
German WebCaGe NO N/A N/A 10,750 Universität Tübingen Erhard Hinrichs NO OPEN BY-SA GermaNet
German TüBa-D/Z TreeBank NO 1,365k N/A 18k Universität Tübingen Verena Henrich NO OPEN (distributed without license or other restrictions.) GermaNet
Italian ISST (Italian Syntactic-Semantic Treebank) NO 305,547 N/A 81,236 National Research Council, Institute of Computational Linguistics, Pisa, Italy Simonetta Montemagni NO OPEN FOR ACADEMIC USE ItalWordNet (EuroWordNet Italian)
Arabic AQMAR Arabic SST NO 65k N/A 32k Carnegie Mellon University‘s Language Technologies Institute and Computer Science Department, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Noah Smith NO OPEN FOR ACADEMIC USE Arabic WordNet
Slovene jos100k NO 100k N/A 5k Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Darja Fišer, Tomaž Erjavec NO OPEN CC-BY 3.0 sloWNet
Hungarian Hungarian WSD NO 16k N/A 5k University of Szeged Veronika Vincze NO OPEN FOR ACADEMIC USE
Polish KPWr NO 438k N/A 9k Wrocław University of Technology Bartosz Broda NO OPEN CC-BY 3.0 plwordnet
English Princeton WordNet Gloss Corpus NO 1,621,129 656,066 449,355 Princeton University Christiane D. Fellbaum NO OPEN WordNet 3.0
English Groningen Meaning Bank NO 1,000k n/a n/a University of Groningen Johan) Bos NO OPEN (distributed without license or other restrictions.) WordNet
English MASC NO 504,299 N/A 100,000 Vassar College, Department of Computer Science, Columbia University, Center for Computational Learning Systems, International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley Nancy Ide Rebecca J. Passonneau Collin F. Baker NO OPEN (distributed without license or other restrictions.) Download MASC WordNet 3.0
English DSO Corpus NO N/A N/A 93k National University of Singapore Hian Beng Lee NO RESTRICTED WordNet 1.5
English OntoNotes NO 1,500k N/A N/A Raytheon BBN Technologies, the University of Colorado, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Southern California‘s Information Sciences Institute OntoNotes > People NO RESTRICTED OntoNotes DB tool, Coarse WordNet
English SemLink NO 78k N/A N/A University of Colorado Boulder NO OPEN (distributed without license or other restrictions.) Download SemLink, Coarse WordNet
English Senseval NO 5,000 2,212 2,212 University of Pennsylvania Nancy Ide Benjamin Snyder Martha Palmer NO OPEN (distributed without license or other restrictions at the Senseval-3 website) WordNet 1.7.

Wordnet Annotated Corpora in the World



  1. Both lexical and function words were subject to annotation
  2. 282,503 tagged manually by two annotators, 400,000+ by at least one annotator, and millions automatically
  3. According to Bentivogli and Pianta (2005), 23,4% of Italian words still need to be tagged, so we can estimate (given that 92,820 is the 76,6%) the taggable words at 121,175