13 December 2018

Call for Papers 10th Global WordNet Conference

by admin

Schermafbeelding 2018-12-13 om

Call for Papers

10th International Global Wordnet Conference,

Wroclaw, Poland

July 23-27, 2019

Global Wordnet Association: www.globalwordnet.org

Conference website: https://gwc2019.clarin-pl.eu

The Global Wordnet Association is pleased to announce the 10th International Global Wordnet Conference (GWC2019) in Wroclaw (Poland) hosted by the Language Technology Research Group at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.

Organisers: Maciej Piasecki, Ewa Rudnicka, Jan Wieczorek

Details about the Association and the full announcement for the conference can be found on the conference website:https://gwc2019.clarin-pl.eu

We invite submissions with original contributions addressing, but not limited to, the topics listed below. Proposals for tutorials are welcome as well.

Conference Topics

  1. Lexical semantics and meaning representation

* Critical analysis and applications of lexical and semantic relations

* Proposed new relations

* Definitions, semantic components, co-occurrence and frequency statistics

* Word and Sense  Embeddings

* Necessity and completeness issues

* Ontology and wordnet

* Other lexicographical and lexicological questions pertaining to wordnet-style meaning representation

* Wordnets and Linked Open Data (LOD)

  1. Architecture of lexical databases

* Language independent and language dependent components

* Integration of multi-wordnets in research infrastructures (like CLARIN) and LT networks (like META-NET)

  1. Tools and Methods for wordnet development

* User and Data entry interfaces

* Methods for constructing, extending and enriching wordnets

  1. Applications of wordnet

* Word sense disambiguation

* Machine translation

* Information extraction and retrieval

* Document structuring and categorisation

* Automatic hyperlinking

* Language pedagogy

* Psycholinguistic applications

  1. Standardization, distribution and availability of wordnets and wordnet tools.


Submissionswill fall into one of the following categories (page limits exclude references):

* long papers: 8 pages max, 30 minutes presentation


* short papers: 5 pages max; 15 minutes presentation


* project reports: 5 pages max., 10 minutes presentation


* demonstrations : 5 pages max, with an additional 3 pages screen dumps or images; 20 minutes presentation


Submissions should be anonymous and any identifying information must be removed. Authors must state the preferred category, though acceptance may be subject to change in the category of the presentation, e.g. a long paper submission may be accepted as a short paper.

Final papers should be submitted in electronic form (PDF only).

Papers must be submitted to the EasyChair website:

GWA 2019 Easy Chair site: https://easychair.org/my/conference.cgi?welcome=1;conf=gwc2019

The format of the paper is in ACL format (PDF):

ACL 2010 paper formats: http://acl2010.org/authors_final.html


Important Dates

  1. March 29, 2019 Deadline for paper submission


  1. April 26, 2019 Notification of acceptance


  1. April 26, 2019 Registration opens


  1. June 28 – Deadline author registration, final version paper


  1. July 23-27, 2019 Conference



Conference proceedings will be open access and downloadable from the GWA website. The proceedings will have an ISBN and be published in the ACL anthology.

Papers are only included in the proceedings if at least one author has registered by June 28.

Inclusion of accepted submissions into the final program and the proceedings is contingent upon at least one author’s registration. Late registration and on-site registration for participants is possible without inclusion of the paper and without presentation.


Conference Chairs

Christiane Fellbaum, fellbaum@princeton.edu

Piek Vossen, piek.vossen@vu.nl


Local Organizing Chairs

Ewa Rudnicka – ewa.rudnicka@pwr.edu.pl

Maciej Piasecki – maciej.piasecki@pwr.edu.pl


Program Committee

Adam Pease, Articulate Software

Ales Horak, Masaryk University

Alexandre Rademaker, IBM Research Brazil and EMAp/FGV

Bolette Pedersen, University of Copenhagen

Christiane Fellbaum, Princeton University

Darja Fiser, University of Ljubljana

David Lindemann, IWiSt, University of Hildesheim

Diptesh Kanojia, IIT Bombay

Eneko Agirre, University of the Basque Country

Ewa Rudnicka, Wrocław University of Technology

Francis Bond, Nanyang Technological University

Gerard De Melo, Rutgers University

German Rigau, IXA Group, UPV/EHU

Haldur Oim, University of Tartu

Heili Orav, University of Tartu

Hugo Gonçalo-Oliveira,  Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra

Janos Csirik, University of Szeged

John Mccrae, National University of Ireland, Galway

Kadri Vider, University of Tartu

Kevin Scannell, Saint Louis University

Kyoko Kanzaki, Toyohashi University of Technology

Maciej Piasecki, Department of Computational Intelligence, Wroclaw University

Marten Postma, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Paul Buitelaar, National University of Ireland, Galway

Piek Vossen, VU University Amsterdam.

Sanni Nimb, The Danish Society for Language and Literature

Shan Wang, The Education University of Hong Kong

Shu-Kai Hsieh, National Taiwan Normal University

Sonja Bosch, Department of African Languages, University of South Africa

Thierry Declerck, DFKI, Saarbruecken

Tim Baldwin, The University of Melbourne

Tomaž Erjavec, Dept. of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute

Umamaheswari Vasanthakumar, Nanyang Technological University

Valeria Depaiva, Natural Language and AI Research Laboratory of Nuance Communications, Inc.

Verginica Mititelu, Romanian Academy Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence