14 May 2019

Registration is ONLINE for GWC2019

by admin

Registration is OPEN for the 10th Global WordNet Conference @ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekq4mTHkRXsUjaq1tgj4NIs0xYQ8cDQ0We8D_BQkdsFT3FVA/viewform

July 23nd-27th, 2019.

Event Venue: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland

GWC 2019

GWC 2019

The 10th Global WordNet Conference

23 – 27 July, 2019

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland

Welcome to the 10th Global WordNet Conference – GWC 2019!

Proceedings are available from the CLARIN-PL repository: http://hdl.handle.net/11321/718

Click to show campus map

Click to show program table



This is an opportunity for researchers and developers to present and discuss their latest results on the development, enrichment and exploitation of wordnets for various languages around the world. This conference is hosted by the Language Technology Research Group G4.19 at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland and the Global WordNet Association.


  • Registration form
  • May 14th 2019 – Registration open
  • Online registration will be open until July 15th 2019.
  • We will also accept on site registration (cash: 250 USD).
  • Registration includes membership in the Global WordNet Association.


  • 200USD for regular participants – early bird registration (till June, 14th)
  • 220USD for regular participants – late registration (from June 15th till July 15th)
  • 160USD for students and participants from countries with little funding
  • 260 USD for non-profit institutional
  • 360 USD for profit corporate

Details for bank transfer:

Important! The cost of the transfer is covered by the participant.

Politechnika Wroclawska
Bank: Santander Bank Polska S.A.
Transfer Title: GWC19 Name Surname
Account number: PL77 1090 2402 0000 0001 4198 2280

Participants fees cover:

  • coffee breaks
  • GWA registration (incl. required membership for two years)
  • welcome drinks on the first conference day
  • a boat trip to the city centre, guided old town tour and a banquet
  • excursion on the second conference day and a lunch during the excursion. We plan a visit to the Książ castle: <<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ksi%C4%85%C5%BC>>

Call for Papers

We invite submissions with original contributions addressing, but not limited to, the topics listed below. Proposals for tutorials are welcome as well.

Conference Topics

1. Lexical semantics and meaning representation
* Critical analysis and applications of lexical and semantic relations
* Proposed new relations
* Definitions, semantic components, co-occurrence and frequency statistics
* Word and Sense Embeddings
* Necessity and completeness issues
* Ontology and wordnet
* Other lexicographical and lexicological questions pertaining to wordnet-style meaning representation
* Wordnets and Linked Open Data (LOD)

2. Architecture of lexical databases
* Language independent and language dependent components
* Integration of multi-wordnets in research infrastructures (like CLARIN) and LT networks (like META-NET)

3. Tools and Methods for wordnet development
* User and Data entry interfaces
* Methods for constructing, extending and enriching wordnets

4. Applications of wordnet
* Word sense disambiguation
* Machine translation
* Information extraction and retrieval
* Document structuring and categorisation
* Automatic hyperlinking
* Language pedagogy
* Psycholinguistic applications

5. Standardization, distribution and availability of wordnets and wordnet tools

Submissions will fall into one of the following categories (page limits exclude references):
* long papers: 8 pages max, 30 minutes presentation
* short papers: 5 pages max; 15 minutes presentation
* project reports: 5 pages max., 10 minutes presentation
* demonstrations : 5 pages max, with an additional 3 pages screen dumps or images; 20 minutes presentation

Submissions should be anonymous and any identifying information must be removed. Authors must state the preferred category, though acceptance may be subject to change in the category of the presentation, e.g. a long paper submission may be accepted as a short paper.

Final papers should be submitted in electronic form (PDF only).

Papers must be submitted to the EasyChair website:
GWA 2019 Easy Chair site: https://easychair.org/my/conference.cgi?welcome=1%3Bconf=gwc2019

The format of the paper is in ACL format (PDF):
ACL 2010 paper formats: http://acl2010.org/authors_final.html


Proceedings are available from the CLARIN-PL repository: http://hdl.handle.net/11321/718



Click to show program table


Practical Information

Conference Information


23 – 27 July, 2019


The WUST Congress Centre (D20)
Janiszewskiego 8
(in the vicinity of Grunwaldzki Square)

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/iW7QUdJ4tKmBrJSq7


T-15 University dormitory

address: ul. Wittiga 6, 51-628 Wrocław


Single room (a bathroom and kitchen shared with another single room), no breakfast 85 PLN

To book, contact GWC organisers.


Bank transfer (on the basis of pro-forma invoice issued by the University if needed)

Card payment on-site (the invoice will be sent after the end of the stay)

Card payments will be possible between 7.30 a.m. till 3.30 p.m.

Reception open 24/7



Radisson Blu Hotel – a 5-star hotel


address: Purkyniego St. 10


Tel.: +48 71 375 00 26
Tel.: +48 71 375 00 37
Fax.: +48 71 375 00 75
Email: reservations.wroclaw@radissonblu.com


Single – 390 PLN per night, breakfast included

Double for single use – 420 PLN per night, breakfast included

Contact the hotel directly and give GWC 2019 as a password

We have pre-booked 30 rooms. The pre-booking will be held till June 22^(nd). Later the rooms can be booked depending on their availability.


John Paul II hotel – a 4-star hotel


address: św. Idziego St. 2


e-mail: hotel@hotel-jp2.pl

tel./fax (+48 71) 327 14 00


Single – 230 PLN per night, breakfast included (there are only 6 rooms of this type)

Double for single use – 270 PLN per night, breakfast included

Double used by two people – 340 PLN per night, breakfast included

Contact the hotel directly and give GWC 2019 as a password

We have pre-booked 28 rooms. The pre-booking will be held till July 10th. Later the rooms can be booked depending on their availability.


Local Information

About Wrocław


Wrocław has an international airport, with good connections all over the world: Paris, Zurich, Munich, Brussel, Copenhagen, Tel Aviv, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Warsaw, Lisbon, Madrid, London, Rome, Kyiv, Oslo, Stockholm, Dublin, Edinburgh.

Thanks to comfort road and rail infrastructure, Wroclaw is easily accessible from European metropolises: Berlin (295 km), Dresden (231 km), Prague (217 km), Vienna (326 km), Bratislava (330 km) ), Kraków (236 km) and Warsaw (301 km).

Public transport in Wrocław supports connections between the railway station and the airport and The Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (the airport-WUST: 50 minutes, the railway station – WUST: 20 minutes).

Transport within the city


The airport – Wrocław University of Science and Technology (WUST):

Shuttle bus (Wro Airport Express) runs every hour (tickets sold by a bus driver; cash or card payment). It goes to Plac Dominikański stop (‘Dominikański square’) located in the very city centre where it is possible to switch to public transport (lines 2, 4, 10, 33 or D) running towards WUST (Plac Grunwaldzki stop – ‘Grunwaldzki square’).

Municipal transport: day line 106 and night line 206; departures every 15 min, going to the railway and bus station.

Ticket machines in every bus and tram, payment only via bank card. To get to WUST you need to change to lines 145, 146, 149, 9, 0L – during the day; 250, 255, 259 – at night.

Tickets can also be bought in ticket machines at selected bus and tram stops – you can pay by card and by cash: Ticket sales points.

Taxi and car rental in the front of the airport terminal (taxi fare amounts to circa 60-70 zł from the airport to WUST.)





Important Dates

  • November 30 – 1st Call for Papers
  • December 21 – 2nd Call for Papers
  • February 22 – Final Call for Papers
  • April 8* – Deadline paper submission
  • May 8* – Notification of paper acceptance
  • May 14 – Registration opens
  • June 28 – Deadline author registration, final version paper
  • July 23 – 27 – Conference

*new dates

Conference Chairs

  • Piek Vossen
  • Christiane Fellbaum

Organizing Committee

  • Maciej Piasecki
  • Ewa Rudnicka
  • Jan Wieczorek


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GWC 2019

The 10th Global WordNet Conference

23 – 27 July, 2019

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland

Welcome to the 10th Global WordNet Conference – GWC 2019!

Proceedings are available from the CLARIN-PL repository: http://hdl.handle.net/11321/718

Click to show campus map

Click to show program table



This is an opportunity for researchers and developers to present and discuss their latest results on the development, enrichment and exploitation of wordnets for various languages around the world. This conference is hosted by the Language Technology Research Group G4.19 at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland and the Global WordNet Association.


  • Registration form
  • May 14th 2019 – Registration open
  • Online registration will be open until July 15th 2019.
  • We will also accept on site registration (cash: 250 USD).
  • Registration includes membership in the Global WordNet Association.


  • 200USD for regular participants – early bird registration (till June, 14th)
  • 220USD for regular participants – late registration (from June 15th till July 15th)
  • 160USD for students and participants from countries with little funding
  • 260 USD for non-profit institutional
  • 360 USD for profit corporate

Details for bank transfer:

Important! The cost of the transfer is covered by the participant.

Politechnika Wroclawska
Bank: Santander Bank Polska S.A.
Transfer Title: GWC19 Name Surname
Account number: PL77 1090 2402 0000 0001 4198 2280

Participants fees cover:

  • coffee breaks
  • GWA registration (incl. required membership for two years)
  • welcome drinks on the first conference day
  • a boat trip to the city centre, guided old town tour and a banquet
  • excursion on the second conference day and a lunch during the excursion. We plan a visit to the Książ castle: <<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ksi%C4%85%C5%BC>>

Call for Papers

We invite submissions with original contributions addressing, but not limited to, the topics listed below. Proposals for tutorials are welcome as well.

Conference Topics

1. Lexical semantics and meaning representation
* Critical analysis and applications of lexical and semantic relations
* Proposed new relations
* Definitions, semantic components, co-occurrence and frequency statistics
* Word and Sense Embeddings
* Necessity and completeness issues
* Ontology and wordnet
* Other lexicographical and lexicological questions pertaining to wordnet-style meaning representation
* Wordnets and Linked Open Data (LOD)

2. Architecture of lexical databases
* Language independent and language dependent components
* Integration of multi-wordnets in research infrastructures (like CLARIN) and LT networks (like META-NET)

3. Tools and Methods for wordnet development
* User and Data entry interfaces
* Methods for constructing, extending and enriching wordnets

4. Applications of wordnet
* Word sense disambiguation
* Machine translation
* Information extraction and retrieval
* Document structuring and categorisation
* Automatic hyperlinking
* Language pedagogy
* Psycholinguistic applications

5. Standardization, distribution and availability of wordnets and wordnet tools

Submissions will fall into one of the following categories (page limits exclude references):
* long papers: 8 pages max, 30 minutes presentation
* short papers: 5 pages max; 15 minutes presentation
* project reports: 5 pages max., 10 minutes presentation
* demonstrations : 5 pages max, with an additional 3 pages screen dumps or images; 20 minutes presentation

Submissions should be anonymous and any identifying information must be removed. Authors must state the preferred category, though acceptance may be subject to change in the category of the presentation, e.g. a long paper submission may be accepted as a short paper.

Final papers should be submitted in electronic form (PDF only).

Papers must be submitted to the EasyChair website:
GWA 2019 Easy Chair site: https://easychair.org/my/conference.cgi?welcome=1%3Bconf=gwc2019

The format of the paper is in ACL format (PDF):
ACL 2010 paper formats: http://acl2010.org/authors_final.html


Proceedings are available from the CLARIN-PL repository: http://hdl.handle.net/11321/718



Click to show program table


Practical Information

Conference Information


23 – 27 July, 2019


The WUST Congress Centre (D20)
Janiszewskiego 8
(in the vicinity of Grunwaldzki Square)

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/iW7QUdJ4tKmBrJSq7


T-15 University dormitory

address: ul. Wittiga 6, 51-628 Wrocław


Single room (a bathroom and kitchen shared with another single room), no breakfast 85 PLN

To book, contact GWC organisers.


Bank transfer (on the basis of pro-forma invoice issued by the University if needed)

Card payment on-site (the invoice will be sent after the end of the stay)

Card payments will be possible between 7.30 a.m. till 3.30 p.m.

Reception open 24/7



Radisson Blu Hotel – a 5-star hotel


address: Purkyniego St. 10


Tel.: +48 71 375 00 26
Tel.: +48 71 375 00 37
Fax.: +48 71 375 00 75
Email: reservations.wroclaw@radissonblu.com


Single – 390 PLN per night, breakfast included

Double for single use – 420 PLN per night, breakfast included

Contact the hotel directly and give GWC 2019 as a password

We have pre-booked 30 rooms. The pre-booking will be held till June 22^(nd). Later the rooms can be booked depending on their availability.


John Paul II hotel – a 4-star hotel


address: św. Idziego St. 2


e-mail: hotel@hotel-jp2.pl

tel./fax (+48 71) 327 14 00


Single – 230 PLN per night, breakfast included (there are only 6 rooms of this type)

Double for single use – 270 PLN per night, breakfast included

Double used by two people – 340 PLN per night, breakfast included

Contact the hotel directly and give GWC 2019 as a password

We have pre-booked 28 rooms. The pre-booking will be held till July 10th. Later the rooms can be booked depending on their availability.


Local Information

About Wrocław


Wrocław has an international airport, with good connections all over the world: Paris, Zurich, Munich, Brussel, Copenhagen, Tel Aviv, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Warsaw, Lisbon, Madrid, London, Rome, Kyiv, Oslo, Stockholm, Dublin, Edinburgh.

Thanks to comfort road and rail infrastructure, Wroclaw is easily accessible from European metropolises: Berlin (295 km), Dresden (231 km), Prague (217 km), Vienna (326 km), Bratislava (330 km) ), Kraków (236 km) and Warsaw (301 km).

Public transport in Wrocław supports connections between the railway station and the airport and The Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (the airport-WUST: 50 minutes, the railway station – WUST: 20 minutes).

Transport within the city


The airport – Wrocław University of Science and Technology (WUST):

Shuttle bus (Wro Airport Express) runs every hour (tickets sold by a bus driver; cash or card payment). It goes to Plac Dominikański stop (‘Dominikański square’) located in the very city centre where it is possible to switch to public transport (lines 2, 4, 10, 33 or D) running towards WUST (Plac Grunwaldzki stop – ‘Grunwaldzki square’).

Municipal transport: day line 106 and night line 206; departures every 15 min, going to the railway and bus station.

Ticket machines in every bus and tram, payment only via bank card. To get to WUST you need to change to lines 145, 146, 149, 9, 0L – during the day; 250, 255, 259 – at night.

Tickets can also be bought in ticket machines at selected bus and tram stops – you can pay by card and by cash: Ticket sales points.

Taxi and car rental in the front of the airport terminal (taxi fare amounts to circa 60-70 zł from the airport to WUST.)





Important Dates

  • November 30 – 1st Call for Papers
  • December 21 – 2nd Call for Papers
  • February 22 – Final Call for Papers
  • April 8* – Deadline paper submission
  • May 8* – Notification of paper acceptance
  • May 14 – Registration opens
  • June 28 – Deadline author registration, final version paper
  • July 23 – 27 – Conference

*new dates

Conference Chairs

  • Piek Vossen
  • Christiane Fellbaum

Organizing Committee

  • Maciej Piasecki