27 June 2019

Book your accommodation for Global WordNet Conference 2019 Poland

by admin

T-22 University dormitory

address: Wróblewskiego St. 25


Single room (a bathroom and kitchen shared with another single room), no breakfast 85 PLN

To book, contact GWC organisers.


Bank transfer (on the basis of pro-forma invoice issued by the University if needed)

Card payment on-site (the invoice will be sent after the end of the stay)

Card payments will be possible between 7.30 a.m. till 3.30 p.m.

Reception open 24/7

Radisson Blu Hotel – a 5-star hotel


address: Purkyniego St. 10


Tel.: +48 71 375 00 26
Tel.: +48 71 375 00 37
Fax.: +48 71 375 00 75
Email: reservations.wroclaw@radissonblu.com


Single – 390 PLN per night, breakfast included

Double for single use – 420 PLN per night, breakfast included

Contact the hotel directly and give GWC 2019 as a password

We have pre-booked 30 rooms. The pre-booking will be held till June 22nd. Later the rooms can be booked depending on their availability.

John Paul II hotel – a 4-star hotel


address: św. Idziego St. 2

Reservations: e-mail: hotel@hotel-jp2.pl

tel./fax (+48 71) 327 14 00


Single – 230 PLN per night, breakfast included (there are only 6 rooms of this type)

Double for single use – 270 PLN per night, breakfast included

Double used by two people – 340 PLN per night, breakfast included

Contact the hotel directly and give GWC 2019 as a password

We have pre-booked 28 rooms. The pre-booking will be held till July 10th. Later the rooms can be booked depending on their availability.